First things first create a new folder where you want the images to be stored and remember there can be a lot of images depending on the size of the video.
To convert to small pictures which are 768 x 576 pixels (1.3 mb) simply open up the terminal cd to the new folder you'v just created and enter,
$ mplayer /Path/To/Your/File.m2t -aspect 16:9 -mc 0 -fps 30000/1001 -delay -0.222 -ao null -vf pullup,softskip,scale=768:576 -vo png
changing where iv wrote /Path/To/Your/File.m2t to your actual path and watch as your file converts into images.
To make the images bigger in size change scale=768:576 to scale=1440:1080 to make the images bigger in size 1440 x 1080 pixels (4 mb) make sure you have plenty of space on you hard drive if its a large file
$ mplayer /Path/To/Your/File.m2t -aspect 16:9 -mc 0 -fps 30000/1001 -delay -0.222 -ao null -vf pullup,softskip,scale=1440:1080 -vo png
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